The Motorola MaxTrac, Radius, GM300, DeskTrac. GR400, GR500, GR1225. GR400 and GR500 X-Pand Repeater Service Manual 6880905Z54-O 50 MB PDF.
Back to Home | The Motorola® Index Page Maintained by Robert Meister WA1MIK This page has undergone a major reorganization. Everything is all still here; items just got moved. Use your browser's SEARCH function to find things, as they're now sorted better. |
Motorola was split into two different companies early in 2011. There is still some confusion out there as to what products are handled by which company:
Motorola Solutions - effectively the old Motorola: deals with land mobile / two-way radio equipment, Canopy wi-fi systems, and some other things that are radio related. If you go to you are viewing the Motorola two-way (etc) company.
Motorola Mobility - essentially everything that is not land mobile / two-way radio: cable TV boxes, cellphones and some other things. This is the part Google offered to buy in August 2011 for $12.5 billion. If you go to you are viewing the Motorola Mobility web site. That web site has no concept of land mobile / two-way radio - not even a courtesy pointer.
- Motorola Basic Controller (R.I.C.K) - Zetron ZR320, ZR330, and ZR340 - Instrument Associates i50R and TRA100R. GR300 GR500 RSS Manual 6880903Z43-A Author.
- This motorola gr1225 repeater user manual, as one of the most involved sellers here will entirely be in the course of the best options to review. World Public Library: Technically, the World Public Library is NOT free. But for $8.95 annually, you can gain access to hundreds of thousands of books in over one hundred different languages.
Note: Any Motorola parts or manual prices mentioned on this page (or on any page at this web site) should be taken only as a rough guideline. Motorola adjusts prices quarterly, and offers one set of prices to their dealers/service shops (the so called 'National Service Organization' (or 'NSO') Pricing), another to 'self-maintaining' fleet customers (i.e. those that have their own radio shops... cities, counties, police departments, fire departments, etc) and a third set of prices on their telephone order desk (i.e. retail sales). For these reasons readers should use the prices mentioned in an article only as a rough indication. We'd appreciate an emailed update if you discover a major price change on any item.
Note: Many articles on this page (or on any page at this web site) mention manual product numbers. Those manuals were available at the time the article was written but may no longer be available today. Motorola usually discontinues support for radio products that are over ten (10) years old. This means no more parts and no more manuals. If you need a manual for a radio, call Motorola and see if it's still available. If not, you'll have to look for a used one being sold privately or on the popular auction sites.
General Information Pages and Articles:
It's probably wise to read some of this first, because it will answer a lot of questions that may pop up as you navigate to other pages and read other articles.
How to order manuals or parts from Motorola by Mike Morris WA6ILQ. Some of the tricks I've picked up over the years... |
Figuring out what you have by Mike Morris WA6ILQ. Cracking the model / ID number... with explanations of power levels, frequency bands, and a suffix table. |
Deciphering the three-letter-and-four-digit part numbers by Mike Morris WA6ILQ. A web page compilation the number breakdown table. The data is combined from four different vintages of old Motorola Buyer's Guide publications. |
Deciphering the first two digits of part numbers by Robert Meister WA1MIK. A list of the parts categories from a 1976 publication. |
Accounting Product Code (APC) List Decodes the first three digits of many two-way product serial numbers. |
Translating the battery datecode by Mike Pugh KA4MKG |
Determining Date ofManufacture from the Serial Number |
Touch Up Paint Colors by Mike Morris WA6ILQ. For years Moto has offered spray cans of color matched paint in their parts catalog. This is a list of the colors and part numbers that I know of, the usage and a few notes on alternate methods of color matching. Corrections and additions to the paint color table are quite welcome. |
Radio Service Software (RSS) and the Radio Interface Box (RIB) Some problems and some solutions... Compiled from information provided by several knowledgeable folks. |
The Motorola Test Equipment Page Radio test equipment made by or for Motorola. |
The Motorola Portable Test Set Page Radio test sets, metering kits and accessories. Information on several vintages including the P-8501, TU546, S1056, S1057, S1058, S1059 series, R1033, RTX4005 and several base station / repeater test sets. Also has several portable radio test and programming cables. |
Radio-Specific Pages and Articles:
The CDM-series and CM200/CM300/PM400-series Index Page Information about the CDM750, CDM1250, and CDM1550 mobile radios and accessories, as well as their replacements: the CM200, CM300, and PM400 mobile radios. |
The Genesis series Index Page Information about the HT600, HT600E, MT1000, MTX800, MTX Classic, and MTX900 radios, chargers, batteries, and accessories. |
An Overview of the GP6x Series of Handheld Radios by Mike Morris WA6ILQ. This series includes all of the GP6x series (including the GP68) plus the AP73 radios. |
The GTX Index Page Information about the 900 MHz GTX mobile and handheld, probably the fastest and easiest way to get on 900 MHz. Service manuals can be found here. |
The Jedi Information Page Information about the various Jedi radios, including the GP900, GP1200, HT1000, HT1100, JT1000, MT2000, MT2100, MTS-LS, MTX838, MTX2000, MTX8000, MTX9000, MTS2000, MTS2010, MTS2013, PTX1200, and the PTX3600. |
The MaraTrac and M400 Index Page Articles and information on the MaraTrac and M400 series mobile radios, including service manuals. |
The MaxTrac, Radius, GM300, DeskTrac, and GR series Index Page There are MaxTrac, MaxTrac 50, MaxTrac 100, MaxTrac 300, Radius, M10, M100, M120, M130, M208, M214, M216 and GM300 radios, as well as the DeskTrac stations, the DeskTrac repeaters, the GR300, GR400 and GR500 repeaters. The radios are similar but they do have their differences. Service manuals can be found here. |
The MCS2000 Index Page Manuals and major parts diagrams. |
The MICOR Mobile and Station Index Page - This page has just about everything on the MICOR. The Spectra TAC / Aux Receiver chassis is further down this page in the Spectra TAC section. The Link Receivers, built for the MSF and PURC stations, are covered in the MSF5000 and PURC5000 section. |
The Mitrek and Motrek Mobile Information page Mitrek and Motrek mobile plus Super Consolette table-top base stations that use the Mitrek or Motrek mobile radios internally. See the MSR2000 Station pages for the base station version of the Mitrek. |
The MSF5000 and PURC5000 Station Index Page Note that the 'PURC' station is MICOR-based and you should look there. This page is limited to the MSF5000 and related stations. Most of the information is for the UHF and 900 MHz equipment. Station manuals are on this page, as are articles dealing with the Link receivers. |
The MSR2000 Station Index Page Articles and manuals related to the MSR2000 stations. |
The MT500/PT500 Handhelds Informationpage Information, manuals and more. |
The MTR2000 Station Index Page Articles and manuals related to the MTR2000 and MTR3000 stations. |
The MX Series Information page The 'MX Series' includes several crystal based (actually channel element based) and synthesized products that were first introduced in 1975. This radio series included the MX300, MX310, MX320, MX330, MX340, MX350 and MX360 handhelds, the PX300 and PX500 packsets, the MTR300 firetower repeater, the 'APCOR' emergency medical repeater, and several others. |
Modifying a Nucleus II paging transmitter for analog modulation By Robert W. Meister WA1MIK. |
PM1200 Notes By Robert W. Meister WA1MIK A collection of notes and tips about the PM1200 high-power low-band mobile radio. |
The Quantar and Quantro Station Index Page A collection of information about the Quantar (standard) and Quantro (high power) base/repeater stations. |
The R100 and MCR100 Repeater Station Index page These wall-mount small repeaters came in VHF and UHF models. Most of the information on this page covers the UHF stations. You'll also find Instruction (service) manuals and other articles. |
The Saber Handheld Information page Motorola has discontinued manufacture and depot service on this radio, and many police, fire and other agencies are replacing them. Here's an overview. |
An Overview of the SM50 and SM120 Mobile Radios by Robert Meister WA1MIK. Information about the VHF and UHF SM50 and SM120 mobile radios. Service manuals can be found below. |
The Spectra Radio Index Page Motorola has discontinued manufacture and depot service on this radio, and many police, fire and other agencies are replacing them. While Mike Blenderman K7IC has the definitive resource web site on the Spectra radios, we have lots of good stuff here too. |
The Spectra TAC Receiver and Comparator Index Page All of the information and articles relevant to the voting comparator and MICOR receiver-based Spectra TAC receivers and Auxiliary receivers can now be found on this page. Additional conversion information for MICOR receiver boards can be found on the MICOR page listed above. |
The Syntor, Syntor X, Syntor X9000, MCX, MCX100, MCX1000 and Mostar Index Page Information, Modifications and manuals. |
Improve the XPR 8300 Cooling Fan Control by Bryan Dygert KC8LMI. Relocate the temperature sensor on this MOTOTRBO repeater to increase PA reliability. |
Interfacing the XPR 8300 MotoTRBO Repeater to a CAT-200B Repeater Controller by Robert Meister WA1MIK. Probably would work the same with any controller. |
Miscellaneous Information Pages and Articles:
Articles in this section may cover specific radios mentioned elsewhere, or may be of general use when dealing with many Motorola products.
Pyramid Vehicular Repeater Interfacing and Connection Information Compiled by Robert Meister WA1MIK. Pyramid makes vehicular repeaters and they have a LOT of radio-specific interfacing and connection information contained in application notes. Most repeater controllers require the same interfacing connections, so this is a good place to find info that's been proven to work in commercial situations. |
Info on the T1480 series 4-can VHF-high duplexer / cavity filter panel 953 kB PDF file by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. This is the official Moto manual that covers the two-cavity and four-cavity models (T1481, T1482, T1485A, T1485AF, T1487A, T1487AF) |
Info on the T1500 series 4-can UHF duplexer / cavity filter panel by Mike Morris WA6ILQ |
A Photo Tour of the T1500 series cavities compiled by Robert Meister WA1MIK |
Using T1500 cavities for 420-450 or 900 MHz 35 kB PDF file by Joel Paladino N6AMG (SK) |
Motorola Channel Element information from International Crystal Manufacturing Company, Inc. |
Using the GR1225 or GM300 with an IRLP repeater By Don L. Blanchard, WA7GTU. Note that the same software package (HVN9054 V4.0 CPS, runs on W3.1, 95, 98 and XP) is used to program the P1225 handheld, the M1225 mobile, the R1225 repeater, the GR1225 repeater and the RKR1225 repeater. However, the M1225 and R/GR/RKR1225 radios are totally different inside. The high power (25-45 watt) GR1225s will melt down on high duty cycle. Leave them at 25 watts and replace the fan yearly. |
Trunk-mount Radio Antenna Jack Nut Wrench by Robert Meister WA1MIK. Ever had to tighten or remove the SO-239 antenna connector on an older mobile radio? Usually it's an SO-239 with a round nut that requires a special spanner wrench to fit it. Here's an easy to make tool that will make the job a whole lot easier. Usable on MaraTracs, MICORs, Motracs, etc. |
The Remote-mount Control Cable Connector Virus by Robert Meister WA1MIK. While this happened to some MaraTracs, it can also happen to a lot of other remote-mount radios that have control head cables and connectors. This article tries to explain which came first: the bent pin or the bad cable connector. It shows the problem and how to fix it. |
Securenet Concepts 467 kB PDF file The ABCs of Motorola's Securenet digital voice encryption system. |
Making your own TRN-4224A PL tone plug by Mike Morris WA6ILQ. This device is used in mobile radio internal PL boards (i.e. Mitreks, Syntors, Maxar, Moxy, etc.), Systems-90 multi-PL mobile encoders and some other models. This article is oriented towards the Mitrek and the HLN4181 since I first ran into the TRN4424 when modifying a Mitrek that had an HLN4181 tone board in it. Despite that, this information is valid for any equipment that uses the TRN4224 plug-in tone element. |
Making your own TRN-6005A DPL code plug by Jerry Matthews WAØUZI. A quad DPL board for a MICOR base station is shown in the article, but the techinque is universal to any equipment that uses the TRN6005 in the DPL board including Mitreks, Syntors, Systems-90 multi-DPL mobile encoders, the Spectra TAC Receiver, Satellite Receiver, Auxiliary Receiver, MSR2000 stations and others. This article also includes a table of normal and inverted DPL codes. |
Touch-Code mobile microphone modification for 16-button operation 1.89 MB PDF file By Jim Reese WD5IYT. Touch-Code is Motorola's trademarked name for a DTMF (touch-tone) mobile mike. Remember: when you press the PTT button you disable the DTMF pad. |
XTL-1500 Information Includes 900 MHz hex-editing specifically for CPS11 but should work with other versions. |
900 MHz Mods for Astro25 Radios by Lou Meiss WA6EPD Hex-editing R20.01.00 CPS for 900 MHz amateur coverage. A bit better than the info in the above article. |
Making a Programming Cable that works with a CM200/CM300/PM400 radio by Robert Meister WA1MIK. How to modify a standard modular programming cable so it works with the newer CM200/CM300/PM400 radios. |
Radio-to-RIB cables for the GM900, MC900, GM1100, GM1200, GM2000, MCX1200, MCS2000, MCX2000, MC2100 series of radios submitted by Herbie Graham GI6JPO These radios can be programmed via their RJ45 microphone connector or DB25 accessory connector, so there are two cables. They work with real or copycat RIBs. |
Interfacing a Zetron Model 30 Worldpatch (Phone Patch) to a MotoTRBO Repeater 300 kB PDF file by Motorola Seems to be oriented towards the XPR series of repeaters. |
Power Supply Articles and PDF Files:
F2366A / F2367A Battery-Reverting Desktop Power Supply 2.1 MB PDF file Donated by Eric WB6FLY, fixed up by Bob WA1MIK. This supply is also known as the TPN1150A and is probably similar to the TPN1175A. Inside, the chassis is stamped TRN6663A. |
FPN5348A Switching Power Supply 60 kB PDF file donated by Eric WB6FLY. Used by the Spectra desktop base/control station. |
HLN9455 Battery Revert Accessory for the GR400 and GR1225 Repeaters 1.6 MB PDF file. This goes along with the Motorola HPN9041 power supply, which is essentially an Astron SL-15M power supply. |
HPN9005 Power Supply (made by Star-Werks) for the GR500 Repeaters 150 kB PDF file. |
HPN9033 Power Supply (made by Duracomm) for the GR1225 and RKR1225 Stations 1.5 MB PDF file. |
TPN1084A,B and TPN1088A,B Consolette Power Supply 4.6 MB PDF file donated by Carl Beaudry VA2CMB This supply is used with the Mocom70 and possibly other desktop stations. |
TPN1136A Power Supply and cables for the Maxar and MCX100 Radios 460 kB PDF file. |
TPN1136A Power Supply and cable for the Moxy Radios 66 kB PDF file. |
Motorola Desktop Power Supply Information by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. Schematic diagrams and load tests for the HPN1007A, HPN1007B, TPN1136A, TPN1144A, TPN1154A, HPN3000A, and VPN1013A 5-15 amp units. |
Improve the TPN1136A and TPN1154A Power Supplies by Robert Meister WA1MIK. After observing the dismal performance of the stock supply, a better and simpler circuit was designed to improve regulation. Includes load tests (run by Eric). |
Radio and Equipment Manuals and Guides:
Manuals for radios that have model-specific index pages above can be found in their respective areas. This section has manuals for older or less-popular models as well as a few radios that don't have their own index pages.
AP73 Operator's Instructions 420 kB PDF The AP73 was a poorly done rehash of the GP6x series commercial handheld for the amateur radio market. The first few pages are a quick reference card. |
C74MSY series Community Repeater Service Manual 12.6 MB PDF scanned and donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. This is the Motrac / Motran vintage base station (pre-MICOR) repeater. The C74MSB series were the base station version of the same radio and this manual will be very useful on those radios as well. |
D33CMT Transistorized Dispatcher radio 6881018A95-B 7.2 MB PDF Photo This is the manual for the 1965 D33CMT series, a 15 watt 2-channel pre-Motrac model. |
Desk Microphone (HMN3000B) Manual 3 MB PDF |
Flexar Base Station Service Manual 6881035E55-B 6.84 MB PDF |
Flexar Base/Repeater Station Service Manual 6881045E10-B 4.3 MB PDF |
GM Series Professional Radio Selling Guide 6864114B38 1.7 MB PDF This is for the European market GM340, GM360, GM380 radios, which are similar to the CDM series. This is NOT for the Radius GM300 products, which are similar to MaxTracs. |
GM Series Professional Radio Basic Service Manual 6864115B51 1.5 MB PDF This is for the European market GM340, GM360, GM380 radios, which are similar to the CDM series. This is NOT for the Radius GM300 products, which are similar to MaxTracs. |
GP300 Service Manual 6880901Z93-C 6.5 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. |
GP640 User's Guide 6864110B24-A 2 MB PDF |
H23BAC, H23BAM, P33BAC, P33BAM Handi-Talkie Instruction Manual 6.1 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. These are the hybrid transistor and subminiature tube based high band pack sets (the 'luggie-talkies' or 'hernia talkies') |
HT50 User's Guide 6881055C65 2.4 MB PDF |
HT750 / HT1250 / HT1550 Basic Service Manual 6880906Z54 5.2 MB PDF |
L1158 and L1159 MRTI Service Manual 2.5 MB PDF Donated by Eric Vincent VE2VXT. The MRTI is a generic name for a line of Mobile Radio Telephone Interconnect units that was made for Motorola by another company - they were essentially a commercial autopatch unit. The MRTI units were an option starting with the MICOR stations. |
L3276 Tone Remote Adapter Installation and Troubleshooting Manual 3 MB PDF Donated by Jim K1VTY. The tone remote adapter lets you control a mobile radio at a remote location from a desktop console using high-level guard-tone signalling commonly used with full-size base stations. |
M1225 Service Manual 6880904Z96-A 13.7 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. The 4-channel version can do channel steering, the higher channel count models can NOT. |
MC-Micro UHF Conventional Service Manual 6884828D06-L 36 MB PDF This is the manual for what is commonly called the German MaxTrac. Two of these mobile radios were used in the German MC-Micro repeater, which was redesigned into the MCR-100 repeater which was redesigned into the R100 repeater. When the European MPT 1327 trunking system came along, the MC-Micro mobile radio was updated to support that mode. |
MC-Micro UHF Trunking Service Manual 6802900B04-A 20 MB PDF |
Motrac UHF Consolette Service Manual 6881005E15-C 8.3 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. This manual covers the L34MHB and L44MHB series of tabletop base stations that were derived from the UHF MHT series Motrac mobile radio. |
Motran High Band Railroad Radio Service Manual 6881041A15-G 7.4 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. This manual covers the R43MST and R43MSB series radios. |
Nucleus Paging Station Installation and Operation Manual 6881002F05-O 1.8 MB PDF This is close to, but not quite the same as, the Nucleus II (Nucleus TWO). |
Nucleus Paging Station and Nucleus II Paging Transmitter Menus 128 kB PDF These are the menu quick reference pages for both the Nucleus and Nucleus II equipment from User Guides 6881000F10-N and 6881000F80-A. |
PAC-RT mobile extender manual 6881010C06-B 5.7 MB PDF This unit is commonly called a Pac-Rat, and it superceded the PAC-PL unit and was Motorola's answer to the early mobile extenders made by Pyramid company. |
P21DDC PT200 (1.4w) and P31DDC PT300 (5w) Low-band Service Manual 5.5 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. |
P21DDN PT200 (1.4w) and P31DDN PT300 (5w) Low-band Service Manual 8.6 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. |
P23DEN PT200 (2w) and P33DEN PT300 (5w) High-band Service Manual 9.3 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. |
Canadian VHF PT300 (1.4w) Manual 6.7 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. This is for the CP23DDC and CP33DDC radios. |
P43DEN PT400 (10w) High-band Service Manual 5.6 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. The PT200 was essentially an HT200 in a heavy duty plastic lunch-pail style box with a big battery and a half-decent antenna. CAUTION: The HT200 and PT200 / 300 / 400 are positive ground internally. DO NOT use both a cigarette lighter cord AND a mag mount at the same time on a negative ground vehicle or you will have an internal meltdown. |
P44SXS (UHF) and P43SXS (VHF) Portable Repeater Manual 50.4 MB PDF Donated by Tim Haake WAØTSY and scanned by Jacob Nagel ADØJA These are 8-channel crystal-controlled repeaters with digital voice protection (scrambler) capability, carrier squelch or PL, with a built-in duplexer and an 8V internal battery backup. High and low power modes, 115/230VAC or 12VDC operation |
FMR-926-9 for the above P44SXS or P43SXS Portable Repeaters 3.5 MB PDF Donated by Tim Haake WAØTSY and scanned by Jacob Nagel ADØJA |
FMR-926A Issue 3 for the above P44SXS or P43SXS Portable Repeaters 4.9 MB PDF Donated by Tim Haake WAØTSY and scanned by Jacob Nagel ADØJA |
Remote Radio Switch 6881071A85-G 5.3 MB PDF This is the manual for a rather unique special purpose receiver (model number C1186B, C1186C, C1240A, C1240B, C1242A, C1242B, C1243A and C1244A). |
Repeater Interface Communications Kit (R*I*C*K) manual 6880901Z79-B 4.7 MB PDF Scanned and donated by Charles Gleason KB4MDZ; cleaned by WA1MIK. |
SM50 and SM120 Service Manual 6880903Z45-A 24 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. Broken down into four more manageable parts below. |
SM50 and SM120 Service Manual part 1 of 4 746 kB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. |
SM50 and SM120 Service Manual part 2 of 4 8.6 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. |
SM50 and SM120 Service Manual part 3 of 4 8.3 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. |
SM50 and SM120 Service Manual part 4 of 4 6.5 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. |
SP50 Service Manual 6880903Z24-A 5.2 MB PDF Donated by Eric Lemmon WB6FLY. |
Spirit 'M' series Owner's Manual 6880905Z70 541 kB PDF |
Touch-Code (DTMF) Microphone Manual 6881114E07-C 4 MB PDF Donated by Bob WA1MIK. |
ASTRO XTL 1500 Digital Mobile Radio Installation Manual Guide 6815851H01-O 4.2 MB PDF Includes documentation of the 26-pin accessory connector and its signals. |
ASTRO XTL 1500 Digital Mobile Radio Control Head User Guide 6815850H01-T 3.9 MB PDF Includes quick reference cards. |
XTN Series User Guide 6864110R04 2.9 MB PDF The channel charts in this manual are also applicable to the Spirit M, GT and S series radios. |
There's about 1GB of additional Motorola documentation that was sent to repeater-builder anonymously on a DVD. It's stored at our sister-site that can be found here. |
If anyone wishes to donate additional manual scans or hard-to-get part numbers, let us know. We'd really like to get information (including parts lists and user manuals) for the Saber, Astro Saber, XTL, XTS, MCS and MTS series.
Sales Brochures and Parts and Accessories Catalogs:
Motorola Catalog and Price List (July 2005) 1.4 MB PDF More than you'll ever want to know. Accessories, Antennas, Batteries, Replacement Parts and Kits, Site Equipment, Test Equipment. Lists by part number. |
Motorola Catalog and Price List (August 2007) 3.8 MB PDF More than you'll ever want to know. Accessories, Antennas, Batteries, Replacement Parts and Kits, Site Equipment, Test Equipment. Lists by part number. |
GP300 Parts List and Accessories List 1.2 MB PDF The GP300 and the GTX handhelds use a lot of the same accessories, including batteries. |
GR1225 Brochure 152 kB PDF |
HT50 Brochure 1.1 MB PDF |
HT750/1250/1550 Brochure 1.1 MB PDF |
M1225 Sales Brochure 2.7 MB PDF |
MT1000 Parts List and Accessories List 1.2 MB PDF |
MT2000 Sales Brochure 83 kB PDF |
MT2000 Parts List and Accessories List 1.4 MB PDF |
MTS2000 Parts List and Accessories List 1.98 MB PDF |
Saber Parts and Accessories List 3.0 MB PDF |
SM50 and SM120 Parts and Accessories List 187 kB PDF |
Miscellaneous Topics and History Articles:
Mike's Miscellaneous Motorola Minutia A collection of information that used to be present on the Motorola index page. Authored and compiled by Mike Morris WA6ILQ. If you thought you recalled seeing something on this index page earlier, it might have been moved to this new catch-all page. |
IMPRES Field Programmer User Manual 2.5 MB PDF file courtesy of Jacob ADØJA |
RLN-4150A 7.5 Volt Universal Battery Eliminator 1.4 MB PDF file courtesy of Jacob ADØJA |
Two-way Radio Encryption Modules Listed By Radio Series 26 kB PDF file dated 07/07/2007 |
20 kHz Spacing on UHF and Motorola Radios A brief history of the UHF 20 kHz spacing issues in southern California and how some radios deal with it. Compiled by Mike Morris WA6ILQ. |
The First Walkie-Talkie Radio 1.6 MB PDF, by Leonard H. Anderson, 25 June 2005 An affectionate look back in time and some thoughts about the first true fabled walkie-talkie. More on what would be considered portable radios than handheld radios, but still very interesting. |
A very interesting web page on the history of Motorola Land Mobile radio Well worth reading - and yes, 33 MHz was once considered to be theultra-high-frequencies! by Geoff Fors, WB6NVH (offsite link) |
The Mobile Telephone In Bell System Service, 1946-1985 Another page from Geoff Fors, WB6NVH (offsite link) |
Mobile radio as used by the California Highway Patrol from the 1960s to current Another page from Geoff Fors, WB6NVH (offsite link) |
California Highway Patrol Motorcycle Radio History Another page from Geoff Fors, WB6NVH (offsite link) |
California Highway Patrol Radio 2001 Another page from Geoff Fors, WB6NVH (offsite link) |
California Highway Patrol Radio 2009 Touch screens while in pursuit? What ARE they thinking? Another page from Geoff Fors, WB6NVH (offsite link) |
Motorola Gr1225 Repeater Manual Transmission
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This web page, this web site, the information presented in and on its pages and in these modifications and conversions is © Copyrighted 1995 and (date of last update) by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors. All Rights Reserved, including that of paper and web publication elsewhere.
![Motorola Gr1225 Repeater Manual Motorola Gr1225 Repeater Manual](
Up one level (Motorola index) Back to Home | Using the Motorola GR1225 as a Repeater By Don L. Blanchard - WA7GTU IRLP Node 3574 Edited and HTML'd by Mike Morris WA6ILQ |
Note from the editor:
The R1225 is a continuous duty radio (about the size of a MaxTrac) that has two antenna connectors and will work in full duplex mode, and 25w continuous duty at that! The GR1225 is that radio in a box with a power supply plus two options: a duplexer and an advanced controller (the sales brochure is here). The GR1225 was designed to be the continuous duty model in the the GR300 / 400 / 500 line of prepackaged repeaters, all of which were intended for low-duty-cycle full duplex applications like a shopping mall security department repeater, or other low-end non-public-safety repeating applications. The GR1225 configuration parameters allow it to be programmed as a repeater or as a non-repeating full duplex radio and that, coupled with the continuous duty design makes it ideal as a point to point link, and much better than a Maxtrac or GM300 mobile, neither of which can duplex, or run continouous duty. The R1225 / GR1225 also has a fairly decent internal controller where the GR300 / 400 / 500 series required the RICK box to do that. The optional advanced controller could be one of four, and an autopatch was available (see the sales brochure link above).
The Internet Repeater Linking Project is a worldwide informal group of amateur radio repeaters that are linked using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) systems. More information on IRLP is available at Each repeater in the IRLP network is connected to the internet through a PC running the IRLP system program, with runs on the Linux operating system. The computer is treated as if it was a link radio, with audio in, audio out (via the sound card), COR and PTT (via pins in the printer port). The IRLP interface board that plugs into the printer port has the necessary interfacing circuitry, including a hardware touchtone decoder. The board can be jumpered for simplex or full duplex operation, and if you have a full duplex environment you really want to set the jumper to match. A 'Node' in the IRLP system is one computer and repeater system.
The ideal IRLP situation is where you have an internet connection at the repeater site and can connect the node computer to the repeater controller directly (as if it was a second radio). Since very few repeater sites have an internet connection many connections use the second-best option: a point-to-point radio link (on UHF, 900 MHz or 1200 MHz link frequencies) between the repeater site and a location where the node computer and internet connection is actually located. Others use the third-best option: they set up the node computer and radio as if it was just another user on the repeater.
This article describes how WA7GTU set up a Motorola GR1225 radio as a local repeater, with an IRLP node connected to it. The same GR1225 if programmed differently could also function as a 'ground level' end of a point-to-point link, i.e. set up as a non-repeating full duplex base station.
Motorola Gr1225
There are pages at this web site that cover the RSS and RIB in detail.
IRLP Node 3574, located in Cedar City, Utah has been operating with a Motorola Radius GR1125 Repeater on the 444.900 ‑ 449.900 MHz frequency pair for a couple of years. There have been a number of inquiries as to how it was interfaced with requests to make the information available on the Internet. The following document is an attempt to answer those inquiries. It is believed that the mobile GM300 is basically the same radio and the following information should apply to both models, however the GR1225 will run full duplex, whereas the GM300 is a 'normal' PTT radio.
There are several models of the GR1225, and the product line includes models that cover both the 146 to 174 MHz and 444 to 474 MHz frequency ranges with differing power levels. The 146-174 models can be 'stretched' down to 145 MHz, and the 444-474 models can be stretched to 440 MHz.
The first thing that you need to know is that the GR1225 has to be programmed using the appropriate Motorola RSS software, so you either need to know someone with the hardware/software or have good rapport with your local Motorola dealer. The hardware/software is of fairly old vintage and hopefully it is still available in your area. The radio programming software is DOS based and will not even work on today's faster computers. The programming is done through the microphone plug with a computer interface called a RIB. There are diagrams of these interfaces on the Internet, but getting the software is a problem. Please see the RSS page in the Motorola section at this web site for details. The second thing that you need to know is that the 450 MHz version of the GR1225 will program no lower than 444.000 MHz without modification. The 3574 node repeater is operating within this frequency range, so no attempt was made to look into what modification would be required to go lower in frequency, but it probably can be done.
The GR1225 is a small self contained repeater (see photo below) that can be programmed to 16 different frequencies. The 3574 node repeater is also programmed to a second frequency of 444.500 - 449.500 MHz which is another frequency pair coordinated for this area. The built in duplexer handles this second frequency reasonably well with very little degradation, but this frequency is only there as a backup and adding it to the programming took less than a minute. The repeater operates from a built in switching power supply and there is a fan integrated into the housing for cooling. It often operates for hours at a time and there have had no temperature problems. The fan is temperature controlled and does not come on very often. The model in operation is a 10 watts version. The author also has an older 25 watt version as a spare, but has not yet tried it on IRLP. It is all programmed, but some of the connections on the Accessory Connector need to be rewired.
Below is a reproduced page from the GR1225 Service Manual explaining a bit about the available connections in the accessory connector on the rear of the radio. The fuctions of a number of the pins are programmable.
As mentioned above, a number of the accessory plug pins can be programmed for various functions. Several are electrically bidirectional but are programmed as either in or out. The manual says that Pin #8 defaults to COR, but on mine it was not, so that function had to be programmed in addition to the operating frequencies, PL, timeout timer, and identifier parameters (callsign and 10 minute spacing). The repeater also came with an existing interconnect cable and all that was required was to move two of the pins in the accessory plug and put the connectors required to interface with the IRLP board on the other end. See the Expanded Accessory Chart below.
The table below is from section four of the June, 1997 version of the R1225 manual, part number 6880905Z53-O.
Section 4 General
The call sign identifier for IRLP can be programmed via software in the IRLP box, but this wasn't adequately researched prior to getting the radio programmed, so for node 3574 it is programmed into the radio itself. There is one inherent problem with using the built in radio identifier and that is if the repeater is keyed up before the identifier completes its cycle, it will start over again when the repeater is un-keyed. This is usually not a problem locally, but it is a problem when it is connected to a reflector and there is not a sufficient pause between transmissions for the identifier to drop out. Programming the call for higher speed helps in this case. There is also a programmable transmitter timeout timer which is currently set to 3 minutes and it gets timed out on occasion. A little longer time period might be preferable.
In my system the GR1225 Carrier Delay set to Off. This means that if you 'key up' you will not get a response back unless the identifier comes on. Our PL is set to 100 Hz. The use of PL on IRLP is HIGHLY recommended.
Just remember that if you need to make any changes to the configuration of the radio (i.e. the programming), it means another trip back to whomever has the RIB (the programming hardware) and the Radio Service Software (RSS), so try to get it right the first time. The author has a good relationship with the local Motorola dealer and was fortunate enough to wind up with a complete set of service manuals for the GR1225, but does not have the required software, progamming box or cable for programming the radio. If you end up with a GR1225 the two manuals that you will need are 6880905Z53 (the R1225 radio) and 6880904Z90 (the GR1225 cabinet, power supply, etc). The Radio Service Software has its own manual.
The figure below illustrates how the GR1225 repeater is interconnected to the Version 3.0 IRLP Board. Note that the IRLP board has its own DTMF decoder and the audio feed from the radio goes to both the computer LINE IN connection and also to the IRLP board pin 8.
If you are connecting a GR1225 to a Version 2 IRLP board you will need to use the two diagrams below to identify the changes. Note that NOTHING in the pinouts is the same between the two versions.
A final note, please do not request copies of the Service Manuals from the author. Many of the schematics are very large and with both books the stack is about 3/4 of an inch thick. Pretty much all of what you need to know is in the information above.
Don L. Blanchard - WA7GTU - Nov. 2006
Three notes from WA6ILQ on the GR1225 units:
- The R1225 is a 16 channel radio. Adding the local 'test pair' to the channel list takes an extra minute as you are programming it, and depending on your circumstances might be a good idea.
- The stock GR1225 power supply is the HPN90333A and is made by Duracomm. It is a switching supply and weighs about six pounds. The output is 13.8 volts at 15 amps continuous and 17 amps intermittent duty. The optional HLN9455A Battery Revert Kit adds a power fail/switchover/battery charger module that connects a user-supplied sealed battery to the unit, keeps it charged, and switches to it during a power failure. Don't bother buying one, just get the schematic for it and build it yourself.
- One of the options in a GR1225 is an internal duplexer (part number RFE4000A, made by Celwave as their part number 633-2A-2N). It is a notch-only duplexer.The HKN9235 Internal Duplexer Cable Kit (about $40 from Motorola Parts) consists of two cables that have N-type male connectors on the duplexer end and mini-UHF male connectors on the radio end. The cables that Moto supplies are not fabricated to meet any technical requirement (i.e. length), they are simply made long enough to fit with only a little slack.
The cheap plain-jane RG-58/U cable used in the HKN9235 Internal Duplexer Cable Kit causes some serious desense - more than 2 dB, in fact. RG-58/U coax is just too leaky to be used for duplexer jumper cables of any type.
If you are ordering a GR1225, forget the duplexer. Pick one up off of eBay and make up your own cables, using only double-shielded RG-400/U cable, and install the correct silver-plated connectors on each end - and without any adapters.
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This page originally posted on 21-Nov-2006
Photos and article text text © Copyright November 2006 by Don L. Blanchard, WA7GTU
Artistic layout and hand-coded HTML © Copyright 2006 and date of last update by Mike Morris WA6ILQ.
This web page, this web site, the information presented in and on its pages and in these modifications and conversions is © Copyrighted 1995 and (date of last update) by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors. All Rights Reserved, including that of paper and web publication elsewhere.