How To Insert A Checkbox In Word 2008 For Mac

how to add clickable checkbox in word? simple question but there a lot answers in google results that it is not actually what we are looking for. Let us clarify, what we want is something like when you click the checkbox in a checklist, it will put a check (☑) not x (☒) or slash inside a box(/). If that is what you looking for, then you are in the right place.

In order to create fillable forms that include check boxes, you first need to enable the “Developer” tab on the Ribbon. With a Word document open, click the “File” drop-down menu and then choose the “Options” command. In the “Word Options” window, switch to the “Customize Ribbon” tab. Place the cursor where you will add checkboxes, and then click the CheckBox 1 in the CheckBox category of Auto Text Pane to insert it. See screenshot: See screenshot: Notes: After installing Kutools for Outlook, the Auto Text pane is added in the right of Message Window by default. When I insert a checkbox into a normal word document it has a black outline, all good. But If I insert a checkbox into a table, the checkbox outline turns yellow and it also turns checkboxes that aren't in the the table yellow as well. What do I change to make the outlines of checkboxes black all the time? I am using Word 2011 on a Mac. Dec 01, 2020 While you can't actually add a checkmark to them within Word, use them as such on a printed page. Select the location for the box on the page. Select the Home tab, if it is not already selected. Select the drop-down list accompanying the Bullets button.


The first thing we need to set is to enable the developers tab in Microsoft Word in order to add the clickable check box or check list, here is how:

  1. Click to File > Option > Customize Ribbon.
  2. Under Customize Ribbon Main Tabs, Check the Developer.
  3. Click OK to Enable Developer tab.

Before we create a interactive check box, we have to create first the default list, here is how:

  1. On menu bar, go to Developer tab, in the Controls group choose the Check Box Content Control button to insert a default check box () and to create a new list.
How To Insert A Checkbox In Word 2008 For Mac

Change the property setting

Before we add another new list item, let’s add the real check(☑) not x (☒) design. To do this, follow the instruction below:

  1. Click on Properties to show the Content Control Properties.
  2. On Check Box Properties, click Change on Checked symbol.
  3. Another windows will appear and on Font, select Wingdings. Scroll down and select Checked Box () symbol then click OK.
  4. On Check Box Properties, click Change on Unchecked symbol.
  5. Another windows will appear and on Font, select Wingdings. Scroll down and select unchecked Box () symbol then click OK.
  6. Press the Right Arrow key twice, type the first item in your list, and then press Enter.
  7. Copy the first item then paste it to add another list item.
  8. Repeat step 7 as needed to complete the list.

How To Insert A Checkbox In Word 2008 For Mac 64-bit

Now you you’ve done created a clickable check box which is very useful and more attractive in filling up documents. This step is available to other version of Microsoft Word Documents. Tested in Word 2013, and Word 2016. If the instruction above is not clear, please comment below which part for improvement.